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  Digit caters to the largest community of tech buyers, users and enthusiasts in India.  All new points in continuing Thinkdigit.com's legacy as one of the largest portals in India for technology users and buyers.  Digit is also one of the most trusted names when it comes to technology reviews and advice and the Digit Test Lab is India's most proficient center for testing and reviewing technology products.

  The section on the video has far-reaching appeal and is liked by many.  This is due to the clear explanation that the video provides regarding various products and trends.  Videos and products on various topics such as Apple and Face Book, iphone etc. are very beneficial and keep people well acquainted with the latest trends and products available in the market.

  Rohit Mishra I see what you have been asked.  You have two options.  1.  You can go with the subject as the former of your name.  techcruch.com, Techmigi.com, Technicaltrends.com2.  You can also go with some unique names.  Reply gizmodo.com, thenextweb etc.

  This list is the most realistic list.  I follow most of the blogs mentioned here.  I think there should be another website, maybe it is a new one, which is not here, but it should be.  It is easy to understand the information along with understanding its language.  The content contained makes the difference, just check it out once.  Give reply

  Rohit I see what you have been asked for.  You have two options.  1.  You can go with the subject as the former of your name.  techcruch.com, Techmigi.com, Technicaltrends.com2.  You can also go with some unique names.  Reply gizmodo.com, thenextweb etc.

 FeedSpot has a team of over 25 experts, aiming to rank blogs, podcasts and YouTube channels in several niche categories.  Publishers submit their blog or podcast to a feedspot using the form at the top of this page.  Our experts review the editorial team and add them to a relevant category list.  The ranking is based on relevance, blog post frequency (freshness), social metrics, domain authority, traffic and many other parameters.  We regularly remove inactive blogs and which are no longer relevant to the list given.  The list is updated as we receive new blog presentations and re-rank every few weeks.

  Ashraful Alam Hi Sonam, first thanks for sharing this amazing top 10 list of the finest tech blogs.  I met with those sites long ago and still like to read them to know all the updates about Tech World.  Really love these blogs, they are reputable, reliable and huge.  Complete it and wish you the best.  Give reply

  First thanks for sharing this amazing top 10 list of Best Tech Blogs.  I met with those sites long ago and still like to read them to know all the updates about Tech World.  Really love these blogs, they are reputable, reliable and huge.

  This is great, but I think there needs to be one….  A type of information provider.  There are many sites that are a total Apple Fan Boy page, almost everything they review is not an Apple product, it gets terrific reviews that always reveal how Apple did better.

  About Us Privacy Policy Terms of Use Advertise with Us Contact Us Sitemap Current / Past Issue Magazine Subscription Issue caters to the largest community of tech buyers, users and enthusiasts in India.  All new points in continuing Thinkdigit.com's legacy as one of the largest portals in India for technology users and buyers.  Digit is also one of the most trusted names when it comes to technology reviews and advice, and Digit Test Lab is India's most proficient center for testing and reviewing technology products.  We are about leadership.  Like 9.9!  To build a leading media company outside India.  And, to prepare new leaders for this promising industry.

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